This is a word that you will use sooner or later, but don’t use it around your Mum and Dad too much. For foreigners the word is complex, because of its many possible uses in very different situations. This is …
Tuney Tuesday: Don’t matter now – George Ezra
All is fair in love and war, but in some song lyrics the grammar rules are bent just a little, too! Listen to the song by George Ezra – Don’t matter now – and fill in the missing words on the …

Funny Friday: BBC Grammar Game Show is corny, but funny
Do you like quizzes and do you not mind some corny jokes? Then brush up your knowledge of English grammar and watch the BBC Grammar Game Show. It’s a crazy show, and the host, Will Hearle, is rather full of …
Whiz Kid Wednesday: Grammar in Use best grammar book
Are you in mavo, havo, vwo or gymnasium and struggling with English grammar? May we recommend this book? English Grammar in Use is one of the most popular and elaborate grammar reference guides in the world, and contains every topic …